Trip to jungle

Great experience

If you’re considering whether to take a trip to Ecuador with Amayas, go for it. Great experience, with amazing adventures. Everything well organized. Beautiful excursions, great food, and a proper cleanse 😂👌 Hats off to Kája, I would go again in a heartbeat ❤️ Kája, I wish you lots of great and satisfied people 🤗

Lucie Kadlecová

Great organization

Thank you very much, Kája, for the excellent organization and especially for the support during the ceremonies. We will always remember Ecuador, and we will definitely come back for Kája. Ája filled our hearts, and despite the challenging ceremony, we received everything we came for, including incredible experiences thanks to the accompanying program. Thanks, and we highly recommend it to everyone.

Lenka Černá

Investment in oneself

I attended the very first Amayas expedition, and I haven’t felt this great in a long time! The ceremonies and everything surrounding them, the trips, conversations, and so much more, were amazingly executed and planned. It’s been a couple of weeks since I arrived back, and I’m experiencing positive changes. This was the best investment in myself, and I can’t wait for further transformations! I definitely won’t be the last time on Amayas ❤️ Thank you very much to Karolína who helped with everything, was always helpful, and showed me this beautiful journey 💚

Tereza Lisa

Incredible experience

The expedition organized by Kája was fantastic. I’m glad I could undergo my first ayahuasca ceremonies by her side. She took great care of us, and we really didn’t get bored. The expedition is not for the faint-hearted; every day is packed to the maximum, and I loved it. An incredible experience for a lifetime, and I will never forget it. It was worth it ❤️



My stay in Ecuador with the Amayas program was an intense spiritual journey for me, involving self-discovery, self-acceptance, gaining perspective on life, contentment, and clarifying my life’s direction.

I had absolute trust in the shaman and the organizer of Amayas, who guided us through the jungle, provided information, shared their own authentic experiences, and ensured a safe space during the ayahuasca ceremonies. From these ceremonies, you take away a mindset for enhancing your life. You’ll fall in love with Ecuador, the mother of nature, shamanic culture, Ayahuasca, Amayas, and most importantly, yourself!

Renata Blahušová

Great memories

Throughout my life, I’ve always been somewhat lost in who I am. Why I react in certain situations and didn’t know the deeper meaning of my life. Over the past two years, I’ve gone through a pivotal period for me, whether it was with the people around me or with myself. I felt injustice and resentment. The Amayas program came at the most appropriate time for me, and I felt I had to go. Not only did this journey provide me with amazing experiences, but mainly thanks to the ceremonies, I found love for myself. I understood who I am and forgave everyone who hurt me in life. Ayahuasca took away all the negativity that was within me like the wind, and I no longer look back. At the same time, I came for answers about my life ahead and where to move forward, and I also received them, and I’m incredibly excited about the realization. Thank you, Kája, you are an inspirational person with a heart in the right place, and thank you for your support throughout the process. Anyone who doesn’t experience this can’t really understand anything. It’s demanding, it’s beautiful, and I’m leaving strong, confident in myself, with a vision and certainty about my future. It’s worth it !!

Gabriela Rose


I chose the Ayahuasca journey with Amayas because up until then, my mind was filled to bursting with negative energy that I needed to release. I didn’t have much determination about what to do with my life; I felt disrespect towards myself for what I attracted into my life and did, everything stopped being enjoyable – I simply hit a wall, and all my motivation disappeared. Ayahuasca helped me cleanse all the negativity; suddenly, I felt reborn, calm, full of motivation, and grateful to the shaman. Suddenly, I have visions that my life will be worth it, but what’s most important is not to let anyone deter me from my dreams and not to let toxic people into my life. The third ceremony with Louise gave me the most, besides the challenging purification, I saw myself rising up and changes coming. Kája put together a diverse program, so everyone will surely find something to inspire them, whether it’s adrenaline, a touch of nature, or relaxation. I must mention that Kája took very good care of us, including her partner; she did everything to make us feel good and comfortable and always tried to motivate us when we didn’t feel like it. It was demanding, but it was worth it, and I’m thankful for this opportunity. Plus, I met such amazing girls here ❤️

Sofie Čolakova

Experience of a lifetime

I really, really enjoyed it, experiences for a lifetime and life transformation. Diego


Experience of a lifetime

High-quality ayahuasca ceremonies in Ecuador. 100% recommended!

Gabriel Garbin

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