Trip to jungle

Ayahuasca Ceremony - Registration

11 days program - 4 Ayahusca ceremony

Please, fill out the form

What will happen? After filling in the application form, please wait for the request to pay the deposit. As soon as I have reviewed the data and information you have submitted I will contact you via email. You will receive instructions to pay a deposit of $225.

This deposit serves as a reservation fee and will be deducted from the total price of the retreat.

The rest of the payment is to be paid in cash on the first day of the retreat.

Personal Information

Read our policies:

"No supplements, no medication": This retreat involves the consumption of plants that may be contraindicated with certain medications or health conditions. Prior to attending the retreat we carefully screen each guest for their safety. All herbal supplements, natural remedies, and medications taken within 30 days before and during the retreat must be disclosed to Amayas prior to the start of the retreat. All herbal supplements, natural remedies, and medications (prescription and over-the-counter) cannot be taken during the retreat without explicit written consent from Amayas. You agree that all information provided in the application is accurate and current and that you have disclosed all physical and mental conditions as well as any herbal supplements, natural remedies and medications you are taking.
By checking the box and entering my name in the field below I confirm that I have read and understood all the medical information provided above and that I have openly disclosed all required health and medical facts. I also confirm that I am of sound mind and agree to the rules of the Amayas retreat. I certify that the above information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that falsifying or omitting any relevant information may be grounds for denying me participation in a retreat I am applying for with or without a refund at Amayas' sole discretion.I hereby declare that I acknowledge that under no circumstances and for any reason can Amayas be held responsible for any injuries or damages that may occur during the retreat. I acknowledge that Amays is not a medical facility and its owners, employees and agents do not practice Western medicine and are not licensed physicians.

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