Trip to jungle

Ayahuasca informations

Ayahuasca is not a drug, but a beverage with its own intelligence. It is prepared from a vine called 'Banisteriopsis caapi' and leaves containing DMT (dimethyltryptamine), which induces hallucinogenic states. Ayahuasca is intended for everyone who wants to heal and really work on themselves or who wants to change something in their life. It is administered in the presence of shamans, who will accompany and heal you during the entire ceremony.

Ayahuasca will change your life if you want it to. Most often, two groups of people visit her - those who want to experience something new, but do not want to change anything in their lives, and then, on the contrary, there are those who long for change. They are often people ready to face their deep-rooted traumas and various problems. They simply know what they want from Ayahuasca.


Ayahuasca must be completely trusted, accepted and respected (even in the form of a diet). If you try to abuse it, it simply won't help you at all. Ayahuasca will not do anything for you, it will only help you find another - a better way. It will teach you many things, develop and clear your mind, heal your body. After a few ceremonies with Ayahuasca, you will move your thinking many years ahead. The priorities you had until now may suddenly be completely different. You will begin to perceive the world around you differently. You will begin to perceive the people around you differently. In reality, there are two options - either you make the most of it, or you go back to the rut of eternal dissatisfaction.


For me, Ayahuasca is synonymous with miraculous medicine and a chance for a new beginning. He can show you a completely new direction in your life, charge you with positive energy, restore your zest for life and help with everything that troubles you. If you are struggling in vain with any kind of addiction, be it toxic relationships or any drugs, I can only recommend Ayahuasca. It can also help you in moments when you feel burnt out, suffer from depression, anxiety or don't know where to go in life and who you really are. Don't be afraid to take the first step!

Ceremonies take place mainly in the evening, when the Ayahuasca effect is strongest in the so-called "Maloka". Each shaman has his own style, according to which the course of the ceremony unfolds. Traditionally, Gayusa tea is drunk before the ceremony, which gives you energy, and water tobacco is applied to the nose, which has a similar effect, but much stronger.

The shaman sits at the head, he also drinks Ayahuasca so that he can connect to your energies and heal you, later, accompanied by shamanic singing and musical instruments, he cleanses each one individually with sage. This removes all the negative energies that have burdened you so far from you during the ceremony. On average, the ceremony lasts about 3-4 hours, sometimes even longer, it is quite individual. It will feel like a moment to you.


During ceremonies with us, both a translator and assistance will be available if you need help with anything. Everything you need will be provided for your 100% comfort and satisfaction.

Ayahuasca primarily cleanses your body from all that is negative. Through personal visions it offers you the opportunity for self-discovery, revealing the essence of your life and being. It also helps you on a physical level by purifying your body from impurities. Ultimately it lightens your mind as well. It helps rid you of various unpleasant feelings both emotional and psychological that have accumulated within you over the course of your life. Ayahuasca knows exactly what you need in any given moment. You will discover your true self – it will show you who you were who you are now and who you can be. You will find yourself change your thinking and your life priorities. You will open your mind and start seeing the world with new and better eyes.


If the body is not adequately cleansed it may manifest through vomiting or diarrhea. Don't worry this is a completely normal process and it's necessary. Especially during the first ceremony it's important for your body to cleanse thoroughly. As a result you may not even have any visions and for you it means one thing only – Ayahuasca has started to work initially focusing on the physical level. 🙂 You cannot avoid this process each ceremony is unique and distinct none are the same.


Ayahuasca works not only during the ceremony, but also long after. For example, in your life in ordinary situations you will start to react differently and better. You can start changing your habits. You can leave your current partner because you realize that he is not the right one, you can change your job, stop smoking, etc.


Ceremonies last an average of 3-4 hours, sometimes longer. However, during the ceremony you forget about time and even a few hours can seem like a moment. Everything is completely individual and at the same time it also depends on how much ayahuasca you drink. If you feel you need to drink more, you can after a certain period of time. Because a specific dose has a different effect on everyone, and each of you determines the amount yourself, depending on what is comfortable for you.

One ceremony is certainly not enough. I know from my own experience that the first ceremonies tend to be weaker, even if you do them with more distance. I experienced the strongest effects only after 2-3 ceremonies. However, each of them is completely different and each one will move you somewhere. I always learned something new. Thanks to them, I received life lessons that forever changed my view of myself, others and the world around me. If you choose to go in this direction, you will encounter your better self along the way and you will understand the meaning of these lines much better. Ayahuasca is a sacred medicine and it is important to approach it with reverence and respect.


However, you don't have to be afraid to undergo multiple ceremonies. On the contrary. With each of them, he will feel a change for the better. However, if you don't feel up to undergoing another ceremony, you definitely don't have to. And that's totally fine. 🙂 Diet is very important, which you can read about in the following lines. The more thoroughly you follow the diet, the better and deeper your ayahuasca ceremonies will be.

In short, it belongs to the purification process. Why? If the body is not clean, it works on the physical level, this manifests itself in vomiting. For that reason, there is a bucket ready for each of you to throw up in during the ceremony - if you need to. There are also those who do not vomit at all. But don't worry. It is not a classic, unpleasant vomiting – you feel that everything you no longer want is leaving your body (and life). You will feel amazing! You may also not have any visions at the first ceremony. First of all, it is important that you cleanse yourself of everything bad and be ready for the next process with ayahuasca.


During my trip through Ecuador and Peru, I visited several shamans. My goal was to find the best and most experienced of them for you. Therefore, you will meet two shamans who have a very interesting and common history. Both have their own recipe for Ayahuasca. It is basically the same, but each of them differs in the way of preparation. And the ceremony itself is also different. Why is this so important? I want you to take away from this retreat not only different experiences, but also the deepest and most intense experiences possible.



Papito Jose:

Papito is 84 years old. He lives on a hill deep in the jungle and his life's mission is to heal. He started preparing for the role of shaman as a 5-year-old boy. He is a highly respected healer among the locals, an elder with the gift of immense wisdom. Before drinking Ayahuasca, he always likes to tell stories from his life, and in the meantime he serves Gayusa tea and so-called water tobacco, which each of you applies to your nose. and musical instruments.During the ceremony, he will individually cleanse you of all negative energies and accompany you throughout the ceremony with his singing and musical instruments.



Louis is 75 years old. He also lives deep in the jungle. From birth, he was trained by his father, also known as the powerful Yachak, to become a shaman. He has been practicing the use of medicinal plants in the forest for almost 40 years, specifically to purify the blood in the treatment of diseases and to purify spiritual energy through special ceremonies using essences extracted from Amazonian plants. During the ceremony, he will also individually cleanse you of all negative energies and accompany you with his singing and musical instruments throughout the ceremony.Louis ceremonial cleansings are very thorough and special.

Shamans are traditional healers, spiritual leaders, seers and guides. Through Ayahuasca, they can connect to your energies, see your past and future. Thanks to this, the shaman has the ability to heal your body, soul, mind and heart at the same time. It can rid you of negative energies and everything that no longer serves you. It helps with the treatment of psychological problems, physical pain, and can even help you with infertility or other more serious problems that doctors in Europe cannot deal with.


If you suffer from any serious illness and want to treat it. You can read more information here. (Special treatment of serious diseases)

Yes. More information can be found here. (Treatment of serious diseases)

People with heart problems, epilepsy, or schizophrenia should avoid ceremonies with Ayahuasca. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also advised against participating.

Ceremonies are not suitable for individuals taking antidepressants, antibiotics, anti-anxiety medications (anxiolytics), amphetamine-based medications (SSRI), or other psychoactive drugs, as well as herbs and medications affecting the nervous system. Combining these with Ayahuasca can be fatally dangerous (details are provided below).

At least a month before the ceremonies, you should also refrain from using marijuana, as it can significantly influence the entire course of the ceremonies.

Medications that are dangerous in combination with ayahuasca:
  • Medications containing MAOIs – ayahuasca contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) – harmaline and harmine. When combined with medications containing MAOIs, their effects multiply, potentially leading to fatal outcomes.
  • SSRI and SNRI – selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – antidepressants (e.g., Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Prozac, etc.) – inhibitors of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake are also dangerous in combination with ayahuasca.
  • Most antidepressants, antibiotics, antipsychotics, barbiturates, antihypertensive drugs, CNS-affecting medications, among others.
  • Others: anti-asthmatics, codeine, antituberculosis drugs, Antabuse, antihistamines, lithium, antimigraine drugs, antiepileptics.
  • Conditions under which ayahuasca must not be used:   - Heart disease and high blood pressure   - Diabetes   - Recent concussion – if you've had a concussion in the last year, I do not recommend ayahuasca.
Diseases in which ayahuasca must not be used:
 •Heart disease.
 •concussion - I do not recommend Ayahuasca if you have had a concussion in the last year
If you have any health conditions, including mental health issues, please inform me.


Natural substances dangerous in combination with Ayahuasca:

 •St. John's wort, ginseng, licorice, boswellia, nutmeg, yohimbe, kava, kanna, Scotch broom, kratom, ephedra


Now that you know one of the most important aspects of working with ayahuasca is the diet. This diet prepares your body and mind to receive the healing energy of ayahuasca. It involves not only adhering to dietary rules but also avoiding any physical contact with other people (sex, kissing). If you follow this diet, you can have beautiful experiences.


14 days before the start of the expedition, you will receive more detailed information about the diet that we have prepared especially for you.


At least 1 week before the start of the expedition, you should start following it. However, I recommend starting at least two weeks before the trip to achieve the maximum effect!


  • Limit salt and all kinds of pepper.
  • Limit white sugar (use brown cane sugar moderately), sweets, and chocolate.
  • Pork (at least 2 weeks before the treatment; we recommend excluding pork from your diet for a lifetime).
  • Red meat.
  • Animal fats (pork fat, butter, etc.).
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Beverages containing artificial sweeteners (aspartame, etc.).
  • Energy drinks, Coca-Cola, and non-alcoholic beer.
  • Spices and chili.
  • Ice, ice cream, and frozen drinks.
  • Dairy products and milk (yogurts, cheeses, etc.).
  • Coffee.
  • Canned goods, fruit preserves, and pickled foods.
  • Alcohol, marijuana, and light and hard drugs.
  • Medications and dietary supplements should not be combined with ayahuasca – we recommend stopping them in advance before your arrival. Consult with a doctor about discontinuing prescribed medications even before making the reservation.
Additional restrictions:
  • No sexual activity, including masturbation.
  • Avoid synthetic products (e.g., soaps, perfumes, toiletries); you can use natural soaps and shampoos.
  • Do not take any medications (if you are currently taking prescribed medications – especially antidepressants or antibiotics, please provide me with more information).
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women cannot undergo Ayahuasca.

You will of course also be on a diet during your stay. All food will be prepared from only the highest quality ingredients. The natives cook great! 🙂 The diet will cleanse your body beautifully and you will feel lighter and full of strength. In short, much better.

Your menu will consist of the following foods:

  • Rice
  • Boiled banana
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Oats (avena), wheat (trigo), and quinoa
  • Vegetable soups and sauces
  • Eggs
  • potatoes
  • vegetarian,vegan food ... and much more.

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